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06/04/2012 / inkkin

Pin, Pin, Pinterest

For those who doesn’t know, Pinterest is an images based browsing website. People become curator on their shareable boards. Personally, its gorgeous visualize operation have made a huge different from others. Basically, you crate a board, choose a category and then start pinning. To do pinning, there is simply as saving a bookmark from your Internet browser, but now do it with selected images and some captions. That chosen picture will be showed and arranged beautifully (yes, BEAUTIFULLY) on your board. Your board and pinned images show randomly on the website, so anyone would like your curatorial links and re-pin them or another way around. Later on, you may start following people that sharing nice stuff that go along with your interest. Also we can make a private board. As a result, I would say good-bye for Delicious since using a private board as an online bookmark. I AM a visual people I prefer images not just text.

I joined Pinerest around 6 weeks ago. I’ve pinned several products and graphic design I loved. There is a nicely motivation when people ‘like’ or repined your collected design. Some have became my followers. (And definitely I’ve pinned my own design too)

Interestingly, I had pinned ‘Eau Good’, a carbon filter bottled water to my ‘Product I love’ category. Yet, a couple days later, Manuel Desrochers who designed it came to say thank you for the pin! We had exchanged conversation, and I went to follow his board, which full of water consumption product and relative issue. Those are totally inspired and somehow relevant to my dissertation area. He has been started following my pins, does it feel like my board linked with a celebrity? lol

Apparently, seems so far this post is a free commercial for Pinterest, I have to stop here. Eventually, I just would like to introduce at least as an easy-to-use looking good online bookmark to you guys,… and enjoy “Pin your interest“.

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